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What is it?

A flexible work policy allows your company to define specific guidelines specifying who is eligible and what is allowed when it comes to flexible hours and work location.

This tool will help you

  • Create your own flexible work policy

    Define your company’s work hours and remote work conditions.

  • Provide clear information to employees

    Allow employees to better manage their personal activities so they know you consider their responsibilities outside of work.

  • Give tools to managers

    Make it easier for managers to answer employee requests for time off to take care of personal responsibilities.

  • Support diversity, equity and inclusion (DEI)

    Build a policy that recognizes the unique needs of individuals with different personal, family and health needs.







Who is it for?


Determine if implementing a flexible work schedule and/or location would be beneficial for your business

HR managers

Find inspiration and suggested inclusions in the template that will help you attract and retain staff.

Fill in the form to get your tool.
It’s 100% free.


Explore more